My apologies for going MIA last week. It has been a very busy week and although I have been doing my best to get some sewing done, I have only been able to sneak away a few hours here and there. We have been toying around with an idea of moving for a few months now, but this past week it all came down to making decision to actually try and go through with the move. As exciting as it is, it involves updating our current place and potentially some major updates to the place we have in mind. Hence, all my Easter Weekend was spent taping, filling the holes in the walls, painting, more painting and even more paining. As well as de-cluttering. Fun! Nonetheless, I managed to snap some pictures of this bra I made a couple weeks ago in between painting and cleaning up.
This bra is my usualm absolutely favorite pattern by Orange Lingerie - Boylston Bra. Seriously, I have so many of these that I feel bad posting them up. But they are so comfy! And pretty.
This bra in particular came together by accident. I wanted to try using stretch knit for my cups and cradle because I loved the look and feel of it. It is a super soft rayon knit blend from Blackbird Fabrics. The fabric was part of a bra kit Caroline had in stock at the beginning of this year and it is no longer available. I actually still have the full bra kit in my stash, it comes with beige findings, which I ended up not using as I wanted to try adding white lace and white findings as a result. I still have enough fabric for another bra though!
Since the knit fabric I used for the cups and cradle had quite a bit of stretch I decided to line the bra with stable lingerie lining fabric I had in my stash. The only thing I did differently this time is I sewed the bottom cups of the lining and fashion fabric together separately first and then connected them all when I attached the top lace cup. So the bottom cup fabric and lining is not connected at the middle seam. I think I like it better with the stretchy fabric as I find it lies nicer and doesn't gather at all at the seam.
I decided not to top stitch the middle seam of the lower cup since I wanted a more seamless look. I think since the cup is lined, it turned out just fine!
I used white mesh from my stash, together with white elastics and closure to finish the bra. I really like how it turned out! The fabric is so soft and feels so good on. I have a couple other knit fabrics I bought from Blackbird Fabrics to make Lark Tees and I am very excited to try using the left overs for more bras.
P.S. I will try my best to write about my makes and sewing as much as I can. The next couple weeks will likely be busy with more painting and updates to our current house, but I will try to snap pictures of my un-blogged makes to write about. In the meantime, I will likely only post once a week until the whole living situation is sorted out!